Thursday, 19 September 2013

Avatar Magazine Front Cover Analysis (Sci-Fi)

You could say that because the magazine is released monthly, the price is higher due to the information and facts given to the audience through the magazine are valid and worth the extra money. This price is given at £3.99 which is beyond the average price, but because this edition is released over a longer period of time and less frequent, it could mean people would prefer this magazine over a monthly period rather than the same information spread out and would have to buy more and spend more.
Under the title 'Avatar' the magazine says 'A decade in the making' which gives away that not only is the film extremely advanced, but also because the film took so long to create and this is reflected on the quality and success of the film itself.
The character on the front page is intriguing for the viewers as it reveals some of the idea and the fact it is different excites the audience and will make them want to read more information about the film.
'Avatar' is in bold white writing, which makes it stand out from the other words on the page and because it is only one word, it is more likely to be remembered by the readers. 'But how long will we feel the force of James Cameron's sci-fi epic' This excites the audience as they would want to read on and discover the answer. This film was very highly speculated when it came out so people would want to buy this magazine to find out more facts before they went to watch the film in the cinema.
The use of colder colours in the magazine front cover would also intrigue people to want to buy it because of the contrast of blue and fictional character shown on the front. 

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